April Uke Hoot
April Uke Hoot Song Book is here!!
To download the UkeHoot songbook as a single file containing all the songs, click here
To download a ZIP file containing the UkeHoot songs as individual pdfs, click here
To download a song list you can print and bring with you, click here
Sunday, April 6, 2025 2:00 - 4:00pm
Simsbury Public Library (Friends of the Library Room)
Bring your ukulele, guitar, harmonica, voice or other acoustic instrument and join us as we play and sing through familiar classics. All playing abilities welcome. The song book will be posted on this website a few days before the Uke Hoot. Please download the songbook and bring it with you to the Uke Hoot.
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We only use your email for Kinetic Ukes communications. Your info is never shared with any other organization or company. See the link below!
Kinetic Ukes is a welcoming, fun, and supportive community of ukulele players and singers in north central Connecticut. Our members include folks of all ages, teens to oldsters, and all playing abilities - from beginners to advanced. Once a month at our Uke Hoots, we come together to play music, learn about our instruments, help each other improve our musicianship, and share ukulele love with the world. Most of all, we have fun!
The Kinetic Ukes Ensemble is the performance arm of Kinetic Ukes. They deliver a fun, relaxing vibe to timeless songs, putting a smile on everyone’s face - performers and audience members alike. Following Duke Ellington’s wisdom - “if it sounds good, it IS good” - Kinetic Ukes performs joyful tunes in a variety of genres from classic ukulele songs to modern country, blues and rock. Popular tunes from the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s make up the core repertoire, with true oldies (1920’s) and more contemporary songs sprinkled in here and there.
It’s guaranteed to make you smile!
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Take a listen to our repertoire: